I found two old snippets of writing involving my nephews when they younger.
The first is from when my nephews must have been 5 and 3 (four years ago!). We were in Mississippi and I was sitting at the kitchen table blogging.
Justin, 3, walks out into kitchen and opens cereal cabinet.
Jack: What are you doing Justin?
Justin: Nufin.
Jack: You are doing something.
Justin: No. I’m not doing anything.
Then they both wander over here.
I love reading that. My own kid is Justin's age now, and he's using the words "sumthin" and "nuthin" and it's usually pretty cute.
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Sunday, November 25, 2012
Cute Nephew Quotes from the Past
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Fun with Prefixes
I have awesome classes this year, and they finally gave me a couple of funny stories yesterday. We're doing prefixes and roots to build their vocab as readers. The kids have to use the dictionary to look up some words with prefixes, define them, then look up the actual prefix and define it, and finally list other words with the same prefix. I let them work together, and they actually enjoy it.
"No we don't!" they say.
"Yes you do," I answer. "You love this!"
Kids: "No we don't!"
Me: "Yes you do. This is fun!"
Kids: "No it's not!"
Anyway, one student swore he couldn't find the prefix magni- in the dictionary, and put the dictionary back on the shelf and said dismissively, "I can't use this dictionary- it's OLD." I had to chuckle, because he was referring to the dictionary I won in 5th grade when I won the county spelling bee. So I stopped class and showed them the inscription saying 1985 on the inside. We had a chuckle about a) the kid unintentionally calling me old and b) the fact that the dictionary really wasn't THAT old.
In my other class, I had to re-explain the rules of "Friday Fun Day."
Me: "So guys, when I created Friday Fun Day, I just meant it as a day of choice. You can read or write whatever you want, talk about books, or share your writing. I still want you to be doing something that makes you grow as readers and writers. This class misinterpreted my saying that you were allowed to doodle in your fun journal. I didn't mean you to sit with your friends and talk about random stuff while making signs that say "The Patriots Rule" or "Stay Out of My Room." I really couldn't justify that if, say, the superintendent walked in. Any drawing you are doing needs to be related to your reading and writing. Does everyone understand?"
Most of them looked at me with sad faces. One student said hopefully, "So could I write "Prefixes" in bubble letters and color it in?"
I laugh, then stop. "Wait- you're joking, right?"
Student: "No."
Me: "Oh- OK. Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh at you." (Putting my teacher face back on.) "Um, NO, you cannot draw the word "prefix" in bubble letters and color it in. That's the same thing as writing "Halloween" and drawing a bunch of candy corn. You're not showing that you know anything about prefixes. If you were to say, draw a small circle with "micro" in it, and a bigger circle with "macro" in it, that would be doodling that shows your knowledge."
Kid: "Oh. No, I don't want to do that."
They did pretty good with Friday Fun Day. Many kids read, four boys planned and made a new Friday Fun Day poster clarifying the rules, and one kid drew a creepy character from his book and then a couple other kids drew the same thing because they liked how creepy it was. It's the Friday before Halloween, so I let them get away with that.
Hm. Those stories really don't seem as funny now that I've written them down.
Is this story funny? During Friday Fun Time, one of my chattiest boy students came over and showed me that on several pages in my copy of a large illustrated copy of The Guinness Book of World Records, someone had written "Actual Size" near some drawings of like, the world's shortest man, or the world's largest feet.
Chatty student: "Look at that! That's so annoying! Someone wrote 'Actual size!'
Me, trying to act like I care: "Oh, uh-huh, yup."
Chatty student: "Look! There it is again! 'Actual size!' Isn't that so annoying? That's not actual size!"
Me: "Listen, don't worry about it."
Chatty student: "Look! There it is again! 'Actual size!' That is so annoying!"
Me: "I think it's kind of funny, actually."
Chatty student: "No it's not! It's annoying!"
Me: "Go sit down. If it's bothering you that much, don't read the book." And this is when I have to turn around and just laugh, because the conversations I have during my work day are so absurd... and fabulous. I've always loved the absurd.
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Thursday, April 5, 2012
Montessori Tidbits
A Montessori lady spoke after our Stroller Strides class. A couple of things that she said that I liked:
Group toys by theme. Put the farm puzzle by the toy farm. The kid will internalize the logic.
Before age 6, a kid can't misbehave, because they don't have that logic. They can test you, but they are looking for limits. All we can do is control our reaction to their behavior. That's the adult's job. To be the steady leader and authority figure.
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Monday, March 19, 2012
Breastfeeding After Breast Surgery
I am reading the Breastfeeding After Breast Surgery page on the La Leche League website and I am beyond inspired by what some women have done to keep their baby at the breast.
I love the following lines from a woman's story who breastfed after breast reduction surgery with a nursing supplementer:
Rebecca showed me how to place the tube next to my nipple so Gabriela would receive the milk in the bottle while she was breastfeeding. That was definitely not the solution I was expecting. But my husband, Elbert, was enthusiastic and supportive of trying new things. He helped me believe it would work. He washed those bottles hundreds of times, often in the middle of the night, and thanks to his support, we kept going.
The last conversation was with a dancer friend of mine. I was in a theater with Gabriela, getting ready to feed her. My friend asked if I had switched Gabriela to the bottle. I answered, "No, we are still using the SNS." She said she couldn't believe I used the device in public. I replied, "I have no reason to change the way my child is fed in or outside my home. I have no reason to be ashamed of it."
Another woman found that although she couldn't exclusively breastfeed her first baby after breast reduction surgery, she could with her second, because her milk ducts had reconnected!
Alex was still intensely nursing at age two-and-a-half, when I became pregnant. I consulted many times via email with Diana West, author of Defining Your Own Success: Breastfeeding After Breast Reduction Surgery (Available from the LLLI Online Store), as well as other La Leche League Leaders. The hope among all of us was that having an enthusiastic nurser would have given my milk ducts an opportunity to recanalize, restoring their flow so that I might be able to exclusively breastfeed this new baby. I had no idea the body was even capable of such repair. I was skeptical, but thrilled.
Ben was welcomed into this world five months ago. He weighs 19 pounds. Amazingly, he has only had his mama's milk. His brother gave him the gift of recanalized milk ducts and Ben has given his mother the gift of above average weight gain, to reassure me during those times of doubting my body. Both of my babies have given me the gift of trusting my body to heal and to provide sustenance in more ways than I had ever imagined possible. There are truly blessings all around!
It is just incredible what the human body can do, and what a mother can do with education, support and determination.
For a little more clinical detail, you can see this article by Diana West, the author of Defining Your Own Success: Breastfeeding After Breast Reduction Surgery.
And on the Breastfeeding After Breast Surgerypage, there are stories of continuing to breastfeed after other types of breast surgeries as well.
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Sunday, January 15, 2012
Cruise Ship Wreck
Me: "I still can't get over the sight of that cruise ship turned over on its side in the Mediterranean."
Sister: "I KNOW!!!"
Me: "I used to think the worst thing that could happen on a cruise ship was a norovirus, but now I know they can actually shipwreck!"
As husband is rolling his eyes, and actually his whole head backwards, my sister agrees, "I was thinking the exact same thing this morning! I was thinking, 'Geez, before I wasn't sure if I wanted to take a cruise because of norovirus, but now, they can actually turn over!"
Husband: "Is this how insanity starts?"
Sister: "It's genetics."
Husband: "Oh come on. When was the last time that happened? Oh that's right, it was the Titanic!"
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Wednesday, December 14, 2011
My Favorite Wear Everywhere Pants
May I introduce you to the best 100 bucks I've ever spent?It's my Lululemon Still Pant.
I'm wearing them right now, as I blog in bed, 10 days after having a baby. (149 lbs)
I wore them when I was 37 weeks pregnant, after swim class with the toddler. (162 lbs)
I wore them before I got pregnant, when I was thin. (132 lbs)
Six 6 pants that can still look good and fit if you gain 30 lbs?
I don't think I need to say much more.
Although, I'll just say, I wear them to bed, I wear them to work, I wear them out, I wear them around the house.
EVER.Coming in a close second is my Studio Pant II. I have them in black and dark grey- amazing for airplanes and other outings because you can hike up the ankles when you go to a disgusting, pee-covered floor bathroom.
A hundred bucks seems like a lot for pants until they become the only pants you ever wear. Then you wonder why you ever tried to make all those other pairs of pants work. Just go straight for the comfort and functionality, and don't worry if you only wear 3-4 pants total all week. Nobody notices.
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Thursday, April 14, 2011
The Passion of US Weekly Readers
So, I read US Weekly online. Around a year ago, a month or two after Sandra Bullock's husband cheated on her, US Weekly broke the news that she'd adopted a baby. On the mobile site, the comments are posted right below, and these comments absolutely caught my eye. They were so humorously heartfelt that I had to cut and paste them. I'm finally getting around to blogging them, a year later, because I can't delete them without sharing them.
I Love Sandra Bullock! She is awesome and I feel so bad for the way her marriage turned out...what a lousey cheating bum Jesse is! God Bless her and that beautiful baby boy she adopted! She is an amazing and forgiving woman!
Posted by garfie6966 April 29, 2010, 2:23 am
Sandra is a class act and is very smart and knows what she should do...no matter who disagrees. I am so sorry her marriage turned out to be what it was and that the world is in her business. She is smart and will get through this and now has the cutest baby in the world. I couldn't be more happy for her and wish her all the best. She is beautiful inside and out and when she is ready, she will find love again. I am a fan and I wish you Sandra all you deserve....the best of everything! I feel for you and I wish he hadn't been such a fool and lose the best thing he ever had and ever will....what a fool. The best to you always Sandra!
Posted by triciarm34 April 29, 2010, 1:17 am
I wish Sandra the best of luck with her new baby. He doesn't deserve her. She is way too good for him.
Posted by **Snowbrat** April 29, 2010, 12:54 am
I Am So Happy For Her And Her Brand New Baby Boy ~ I Wish Them The Best! She Looks So Happy Holding Him!
Posted by ~tinkerbelle~29 April 28, 2010, 11:49 pm
At least she has enough respect for herself not to stay with her cheating husband, unlike that money hungry woman Tiger woods cheats on daily.
Posted by seriously April 28, 2010, 11:24 pm
I think Sandra is definatly an angel and she is ENTITLED to someone who will love and respect her.Jesse is not worthy of a woman of her stature.He is a poor excuse of a man that most likely didn't deserve to be graced with her love from the begining.She is strong and commendable for her decision to divorce him.I also think her baby boy is absolutely precious and was very fond ofthe fact that she adopted within the U.S. ,particuarly New Orleans,not many miles from my home on the Ms. Gulf Coast.Sandra ROCKS!!!
Posted by Tre's Mommy April 28, 2010, 11:02 pm
And these comments were just the tip of the iceberg. I'm sure there were a hundred more, all equally as passionate. I guess they do call her "America's Sweetheart," and that's why people were so utterly pissed. On the US Weekly site, commenters seem to take celeb's behavior very personally; it's worth taking a look if you have the time and want to smile at the oddness of our human nature in the internet age.
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Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Awkward Baby Carrying
Whenever I see photos of celebrities awkwardly carrying their babies, I wonder why they don't babywear. With all the paparazzi, it seems like it would be safer to have a hand or two free.
I mean, look how much more relaxed Orlando Bloom looks. Granted, his kid is younger and easier to wear, but Sandra's little boy is not even one yet, the perfect age to wear!
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Monday, March 7, 2011
What’s the Problem with Toddler Nursing?
This weekend at music class, my toddler was not quite himself. He was probably tired. Right in the middle of music class, he requested to nurse, which he NEVER does. I tried to distract him but he insisted, so I left the circle and faced a corner and sat and nursed him. He looked very drowsy and nursed all throughout a song with chimes and into the next song with some jingle bells. I turned and leaned against the wall so I was more comfortable. Plus, I didn’t want to make it look like I felt I was doing something horrible that needed to be hidden from view! Eventually he was done nursing and wanted to join the song.
During the two closing songs he asked to nurse again, so I backed up out of the circle and leaned up against the wall to nurse my out-of-sorts kid. I felt a little self conscious because I’d never seen anyone breastfeed in the class before, plus there were several dads there, but hey, this is Fairfield County CT, land of overachievers, and nursing is an “in” thing to do. I have actually gotten the sense over the past year that in this health-conscious, even slightly crunchy community, nursing an older baby- and even a toddler- is something people admire.
At the end of the class, the teacher, who I love, came over and said, “I think it’s so great that you’re nursing him. It’s so good for them. They get everything they need.”
I said something awkward like, “Well, it’s just easy! Although today I’m not wearing my proper clothes for it.” (I’d had to struggle with my regular bra and two layers of shirts.)
“Oh, but you were discreet,” she said, which made me realize that I sounded apologetic, which I didn’t mean to do, but I did feel a little awkward about broaching the non-nursing precedent that had been set in my 9 months or so of attending these classes. I was so happy that she took the time to make sure I knew she approved of my actions; I needed that boost. In the past two days I’ve gotten a couple negative comments about nursing, and her approval has buoyed me when I felt down.
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Sunday, January 2, 2011
High Five! Fist Bump! Blow Me a Kiss!
"The glorious return of the high five" is a great little essay I found on the San Francisco Chronicle's parenting blog, The Poop. Like the author, high fiving recently became a part of my life because other people started teaching my kid to do it. It seemed pretty cliche to me, but I figured, whatever. It was a standard daycare lesson, along with kiss-blowing, which seemed even dumber until my kid started doing it, and then IT WAS TOTALLY ADORABLE!!! My coworker's husband also taught my kid to fist bump, which always impresses strangers who want to high five and are instead met with a fist offered by my toddler.
(Recently, he learned "Cheers!")
Plus, the Poop post has a picture of Obama. If you read this blog regularly, you know how I feel about Obama.
One more thing about cute baby tricks: they win the goodwill of strangers on trains and airplanes, and you want that. You really do.
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